A. A picture of the blog's author or logo can be on each page.

B. Visitors can click on a calendar date to visit that day's posts.

C. Blog posts are displayed in order, newest at the top.

D. The permalink will still link to the particular post, even after it is archived.

E. Visitors can click on this link to comment on the post.

F. This link provides an RSS feed of the blog site.

G. This link goes to the author's profile.

H. Posts from earlier months are automatically archived.

I. The blog can have ad links (like Amazon) that bring the blog some income.

J. Recent comments are automatically posted here.

K. Recent posts are listed here.

Source: PC Magazine

This fictional blog is a stylized version of a blog with components that you usually expect to see on most modern blogs. Many blog platforms will not have all of these features, and some blog platforms may have many additional features. However, this is a good representation of the look and feel of a typical blog.

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